Aftercare Options

We know that everyone’s recovery journey looks different, and we offer programs to accommodate all needs. To this end, Hope Lodge provides a step-down level of care that balances personal freedom with accountability.
people in a circle talking

Aftercare Options at Hope Lodge

Research shows that the longer someone spends in treatment, the more likely they are to remain sober. We believe that you can’t rush the recovery process, which is why we’ve developed a step-down level of care for those hoping to continue receiving therapeutic services while exploring the challenges of the real world.

Our aftercare programming is designed to help clients navigate the transition from treatment to daily life. Through this offering, men and women benefit from evidence-backed therapies and clinical support while enjoying more freedom in their schedules. We also supply accommodations to clients in need of high-accountability living situations. This approach fosters client independence while reassuring them that they have the support of Hope Lodge and its clinicians.

Our aftercare services include:

  • Group therapy sessions
  • Safe, high-accountability housing
  • Access to the Hope Lodge clinical team
  • One-on-one counseling
  • Relapse prevention education
  • A dedicated case manager
  • Personalized discharge planning

Why Should I Enroll in Aftercare?

There are myriad benefits to enrolling in an aftercare program like Hope Lodge’s. The extended length of stay available to aftercare clients offers ample opportunity to address the trauma and co-occurring disorders often associated with addiction. It also empowers clients to learn advanced coping skills and therapeutic techniques that help prevent relapse. Because aftercare involves regular meetings and check-ins, it offers accountability to those in early recovery. Perhaps the greatest benefit of this programming is the strong support that participants gain; by talking to others, the men and women of Hope Lodge feel prepared to tackle the challenges of early sobriety.

Aftercare in Southern California

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, we can help. Hope Lodge’s comprehensive approach works for people of all backgrounds, including those who have recently completed primary treatment programs. By accessing the resources at our center, men and women receive the ongoing support needed to maintain their sobriety. Contact Hope Lodge today to learn more about how our aftercare services can enhance your recovery.