Residential Treatment

If you’re ready to fully immerse yourself in the recovery process, residential treatment may be right for you. Enjoy accountability, one-on-one care, and group support at our small-by-design treatment center.
lady on porch

How Long Is Rehab?

At Hope Lodge, our inpatient residential addiction treatment program typically lasts for 30 days. This length of stay is designed to provide clients with the time and support they need to address their addiction and begin the process of recovery.

Benefits of Residential Addiction Treatment

Residential addiction treatment provides several benefits, especially in a small group setting. By living at our treatment center, clients are removed from their daily triggers and distractions, allowing them to focus solely on their recovery. In a small group setting, clients are able to build close relationships with their peers and develop a sense of accountability and support. Additionally, residential treatment allows for daily access to counseling and therapy services, as well as 24/7 access to trained addiction professionals and medical staff.

In our inpatient residential addiction treatment program, clients will receive a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan that includes detoxification, counseling and therapy services, and additional services such as recovery-based educational groups, daily AA/NA meeting attendance, continuum of care and aftercare planning, recovery coaching, life-skills education and coaching, relapse prevention, family therapy sessions, weekly recreation therapy, art therapy, and meditation. All of these services are designed to help clients build a strong foundation for recovery from addiction and behavioral health disorders.

Small Group Healing

Our small group setting allows for daily one-on-one interaction between clients and staff. This intimacy allows for a more personalized approach to recovery and enables clients to build close relationships with their peers and develop a sense of accountability and support. The daily group therapy sessions foster recovery principles and provide the necessary life skills that clients will need for long-term recovery. We emphasize the importance of daily attendance at AA/NA meetings, seeking sponsorship, and working through the 12 Step program while the client is in treatment.

Inpatient Treatment in San Bernardino County

The natural setting of Lake Arrowhead, CA in San Bernardino County provides a peaceful and serene environment that is conducive to recovery. With 24-hour access to medical staff, around-the-clock trained addiction professionals, and a variety of recreational opportunities, Hope Lodge is dedicated to helping clients achieve lasting recovery.